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Age of Domain
One of the more difficult techniques for good search engine positioning is simply patience. See this useful SEO tool that shows the top ten rankers for a particular phrase - and note that in any competitive search, the age of domain is a factor. This demonstrates the need for patience to see results. Gone are the days when, especially with Google, we can see results quickly - patience is needed. This suggests that you may prefer to optimise a site using services such as TurnerDow, get some links, then hunker down and wait with the aid of a PPC campaign.
The same factor with age that exists for domains applies to external links (or back links) in two ways - the age of the linking site and the age of the link itself - so if links can be acquired from sites that are established, they are seen as worth more than new sites and new links. The search masters want an internet that grows and serves with stability - links that have been in place for years are not likely to be removed - the sites themselves are not likely to go away.
Have patience. Any SEO company that promises results in Google in a short time doesn't have some magic formula - there isn't one. Any quick fix, especially for new sites is at risk of being popular for a short time through exploitation of some algorithmic weakness which will be tightened up and your rank moving to somethong more appropriate. Patience with determination and endurance are key qualities in web promotion.
Further Reading: Age of Domain Name | Tool to Find Age of a Domain

Search Engine Optimisation   --   Turner Dow   --   There's Only One High Street Now
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Tel.01278 426100   -   Email: info@turnerdow.com

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