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Surprisingly some prominent SEO's say that PageRank (PR) should only be viewed as entertainment value. This is disingenuous - they know it's far more, but neither do they want their clients having PR blinkers on. Webmaster world's Brett Tabke estimates that PR represents 35% of the algorithm that returns a site well in rankings. Google have recently reinstated PR as the metric they regard as important according to Matt Cutts - a Google representative engineer. It's all about how the page is made up, which sites contributed to it. To be effective in search engine optimisation the PR needs to be founded on related pages, or it just wont count in rankings. PR is still important and Google are keeping it that way, but it's shifted in favour of subject origin. When achieved correctly therefore - it's an important facet of high rankings. It also scares competitors.
Getting page rank is a known science. Get sites with high PR to link to you. You might cast your eye over the paragraphs on this page on linking to see the level of work involved in this however. Generally, the higher PR sites prefer to spend their time running their businesses, not link to you. But with the right approach, the right tone, it can be done. Get good PR for good rankings.
Not every site with good PR get's good search engine rankings, but every site that has good search engine rankings for competitive phrases has good PR!
Further Reading: Get Your Page Rank | Page Rank Explanation
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