Internal links within content
It's easy to provide a menu of pages within our site, and such should be done - but how about a paragraph of introduction for the link in the body of the main page? Then the SE's see context around the page which is part of the sites structure. The site clearly is contextually sound and has integrity in it's portrayal of information. The value of links within related content is higher than a mere bullet list of other pages in the site wrapped in a href. However, as with all links within the site and from other sites in your portfolio, the copy should read well. Search engine algorithmics are constantly improving to catch stuffed phrases that don't match the surrounding text, and that which results in awkward reading.
As you construct the front page (or another prime page on the site), you might introduce other pages and their subjects with a summary paragraph of good appropriate content with the link heading the parapgraph or within the paragraph. Better structure and better internal linking.
Further Reading: Examples of Poor Website Structure | Good Website Navigation
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