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SEO by Blog
Blogs are respected by search engines for their continual fresh content and are therefore a medium for reference and links to sites. They are especially good for links that are contained in the midst of paragraph context. They should be utilised in two ways, third party blogs for links and your own blog for both traffic and deep links. But there are some important considerations for both uses.
First we'll consider using other blogs for your own purpose, that is external blogs to get links to your own site in order to score with SEO. Tread carefully! Analyse the policy of the site - will the operators of the blog just scrap your comment or blog entry because it is clearly intended for one purpose - to provide a link back to your site? Even if the entry is good - does the blog just not offer links (and disables them automatically or after moderation)? Are links honoured but redirected through some javascript (check the source file). Are the links honoured but the rel='nofollow' (or rel=' external nofollow' - the same thing) tag is used to prevent the passing of any Google pagerank (which renders it useless for SEO)? Most blogs these days tend to prevent links - but occasionally a great source can be stumbled upon that has search engine respect and allows links. Use it but don't abuse it! If abused - new policies will be instigated and any existing links will be affected by the blog operators - they're all well used to pernicious blog comment spam. Where a good source is found - contribute to the blog - let the owners realise the purpose of the blog which is often adsense - and get your site linked to in an honourable way.
The second use of blogs is itself a two part consideration - both involving using your own blog. But there's a bonus which is missed in 95% of cases - easily done since the standard blog software such as wordpress and movable type don't facilitate the technique. Let's enumerate these two success factors with the third as the bonus which multiplies the search engine optimisation effect several times.
1. The search engines will only count so many links from a single domain - so there is only an inverse effect in using your own company blog in creating more than two or three links to a single page. Problem? No - an opportunity - engage in deep linking, link to other appropriate pages on your site from your blog - which will generally itself be from a distinct domain or a sub domain. (If the blog is from the same domain, this principle should be doubly emphasised, but if so - the whole purpose of the blog will be more for SEM than SEO - traffic can come from your blog - but site optimisation is unlikely to be enhanced). Make sure that the links are placed within paragraphs of content, which enhances (albeit slightly) the effect of the optimisation endeavour.
2. Don't just link to your own domain - link genuinely to other sources too. If Google comes across a site whose main purpose is to send people to another site - they'll just delist the site or at the very least demote it in search engine rank.
3. This is the bonus point, and multiplies the effect of your company blog many times. Wordpress and Movable Type and many other brands of blog software made available facilitate the possibility of syndicating the blog through RSS. However the href links are disabled. For search engine optimisation this is useless. Therefore through add-ons or customised tweaking of the software, allow href links within the RSS file, and at the same time allow the RSS file to have a higher limitation as to content length and to number of blog entries. Then? Get submitting to blog RSS sites to wonderful effect!
Blogs are the fodder of search engines. Use it, don't abuse it, but maximise the effect by tweaking the software to allow href links in the RSS file, and engage in deep linking to make the most of your company blog.
Further Reading: Blogs for SEO | Blog Optimization

Search Engine Optimisation   --   Turner Dow   --   There's Only One High Street Now
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